Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I am happy this few days...
especially after the outing on last sunday ^^
it was sooo nice and memorable
I promised already I will change,and believe me I will change!
but I just need abit time...maybe alot...but I will change
because I don't want us to be like last time,I was sooo unhappy and bothered by it last time...
I am glad with how are we now...^^
especially after the outing on last sunday ^^
it was sooo nice and memorable
I promised already I will change,and believe me I will change!
but I just need abit time...maybe alot...but I will change
because I don't want us to be like last time,I was sooo unhappy and bothered by it last time...
I am glad with how are we now...^^
Monday, January 25, 2010
research #1
Finally my group had finished the research proposal!^^
Thank you my research-mate: Jayanthi and Azreen

I love both of you!Especially Jay,you really put alot of effot into it as the ketua!
My contribution in the proposal was just a little bit and those parts I had done were actually easy stuff...
haha...no matter how,it is over now!^^ yippee!!
and now is time for the preparation of the powerpoint presention already!
hopefully everything will go smooth =)
Thank you my research-mate: Jayanthi and Azreen

I love both of you!Especially Jay,you really put alot of effot into it as the ketua!
My contribution in the proposal was just a little bit and those parts I had done were actually easy stuff...
haha...no matter how,it is over now!^^ yippee!!
and now is time for the preparation of the powerpoint presention already!
hopefully everything will go smooth =)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Just watch a Japanese ghost movie...
I heard sooo many opinions about it from my friends
some said okok la...some said very scary until they didn't dare to watch it and closed their eye during the climax...
BUT for me,this movie is totally STUPID!!MEANINGLESS!!!and NOT SCARY at all @.@
It just wasted my RM11 for watching it =.=
and I was 'pui fuk' with one of my friends!
He watched it before but yesterday he went to watch it again with us,by giving us the reason 'he wana to see how funny we are when we shout or scream' =.=
but fyi,nobody shout or scream at there looh...
don't know why he wanted to waste his money for watching a stupid,meaningless movie like this?!
if got extra $$,next time don't do this stupid thing already,give me that $$ to shop,it will be better than wasting it ^^
I heard sooo many opinions about it from my friends
some said okok la...some said very scary until they didn't dare to watch it and closed their eye during the climax...
BUT for me,this movie is totally STUPID!!MEANINGLESS!!!and NOT SCARY at all @.@
It just wasted my RM11 for watching it =.=
and I was 'pui fuk' with one of my friends!
He watched it before but yesterday he went to watch it again with us,by giving us the reason 'he wana to see how funny we are when we shout or scream' =.=
but fyi,nobody shout or scream at there looh...
don't know why he wanted to waste his money for watching a stupid,meaningless movie like this?!
if got extra $$,next time don't do this stupid thing already,give me that $$ to shop,it will be better than wasting it ^^
Friday, January 22, 2010
Just now my friend introduced me a new software of chatting online
it is something like MSN but I prefer to use it as my video call main medium!
*thumb up after testing for the first time*
Its name is ooVoo!
(just click on the 'ooVoo', it will bring u to its website and u can download it!^^)
Why I like its video call?!
cause we can video call and chat with people around the world!
and the main point is,we can video call with not only one person in 1 time, but is we can video call chat with MANY people all together in 1 time !!!!
HAH!that is what attracted me to use it!^^
it is something like MSN but I prefer to use it as my video call main medium!
*thumb up after testing for the first time*
Its name is ooVoo!
(just click on the 'ooVoo', it will bring u to its website and u can download it!^^)
Why I like its video call?!
cause we can video call and chat with people around the world!
and the main point is,we can video call with not only one person in 1 time, but is we can video call chat with MANY people all together in 1 time !!!!
HAH!that is what attracted me to use it!^^
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
my disappointing sem 4
I thought of it will be a relaxing sem 4
I thought of it will be fun for not needed to go to class at 8am in the morning for 2 weeks
I thought of I can sleep until 10 or maybe 11am in the morning before I willing to wake up
I thought of I can go out shopping or movie-ing or whatever la,as long as not in the college compound
I thought of many many things for this sem before......
BUT everything are totally just opposite with what I had thought =.=
for this sem,
It was a totally crazy sem with a super chi xin research proposal to be done within 5-6 days time
I need to force myself to read those 5cm thick books and pages and pages of journals through internet until I have nystagmus @.@
I still need to wake up at 8am in the morning to go to library for the stupid research discussion and stay at there until 5pm in the evening,no different with having lectures
There is totally no time for me to go out shopping or movie-ing for this weekend due to the proposal stuff
why my life will be soooo pathetic?!
I am wondering....
and the worst part is I need to stay at college here during my holiday on April for the data collection of my research and will be having my so called 'holiday' when others are coming back to college here for their data collection....
I thought of it will be fun for not needed to go to class at 8am in the morning for 2 weeks
I thought of I can sleep until 10 or maybe 11am in the morning before I willing to wake up
I thought of I can go out shopping or movie-ing or whatever la,as long as not in the college compound
I thought of many many things for this sem before......
BUT everything are totally just opposite with what I had thought =.=
for this sem,
It was a totally crazy sem with a super chi xin research proposal to be done within 5-6 days time
I need to force myself to read those 5cm thick books and pages and pages of journals through internet until I have nystagmus @.@
I still need to wake up at 8am in the morning to go to library for the stupid research discussion and stay at there until 5pm in the evening,no different with having lectures
There is totally no time for me to go out shopping or movie-ing for this weekend due to the proposal stuff
why my life will be soooo pathetic?!
I am wondering....
and the worst part is I need to stay at college here during my holiday on April for the data collection of my research and will be having my so called 'holiday' when others are coming back to college here for their data collection....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
haha,this is a late post!lolz...
I was tooo tired yesterday until I dont have energy to blog bout this
So I am replacing it now ^^
Although this is abit late,I hope you wont mind about it
I purposely make a blog post for your big day!
who's BIG DAY?!
she is a girl!!!!!haha (abo?! 'she' is a guy meh?!lolz)
she is a cute (most of the time) and a scary (sometime) girl!haha
many people scare of her,but DEFINITELY NOT ME la...
sometime she was a super crazy girl!siao kia!haha...
who kena caught bersama-sama during the mission on stealing jagung =.=
she is from Bidor,who always brought back alotssssss of air jambu for us when she came back from her hometown
who wore a 连身裙 yesterday on her birthday celebration for the first time of her whole life!^^
who once upon a time(1 year ago),experienced having a 36D super gigantic big heavy breasts for a few minutes!haha

I was tooo tired yesterday until I dont have energy to blog bout this
So I am replacing it now ^^
Although this is abit late,I hope you wont mind about it
I purposely make a blog post for your big day!
who's BIG DAY?!
she is a girl!!!!!haha (abo?! 'she' is a guy meh?!lolz)
she is a cute (most of the time) and a scary (sometime) girl!haha
many people scare of her,but DEFINITELY NOT ME la...
sometime she was a super crazy girl!siao kia!haha...
who kena caught bersama-sama during the mission on stealing jagung =.=
she is from Bidor,who always brought back alotssssss of air jambu for us when she came back from her hometown
who wore a 连身裙 yesterday on her birthday celebration for the first time of her whole life!^^
who once upon a time(1 year ago),experienced having a 36D super gigantic big heavy breasts for a few minutes!haha

she is the BIDOR girl!
p/s:hope the cosmetic remover I gave you wont damage your pretty little face!haha,because I also don't know whether the brand reliable anot...you terpaksa be the white rat la...^^
I changed my blog picture already!^^
a spoon with 'AJ' on it...
sooo special!thx for my friend-Keith!haha
a spoon with 'AJ' on it...
sooo special!thx for my friend-Keith!haha
Saturday, January 16, 2010
'SHE' is the worst girl and daughter I ever see!!!!
Please just forgive me for having this blog,talking some bad of somebody else,but I just can't tahan anymore!!!!'She' is just toooooooo unfilial!!!
When a dad scolds her daughter,no one will say anything,because this is something which is normal
BUT when a daughter scolds her dad,and not for the first time,but many times already,this is what I meant by UNFILLIAL!!!!!!I don't care what is the situation,who is wrong or who is correct,if a daughter scolds her dad,i will just say that the daughter 没家教!
The reason she gave us when she scolded her dad was that she learnt it from her mom
she said why her mom can scold her dad while she can't?!
KNS la her!MCB!!!CCB!!!she never been to school before izzit??she never been taught that we can't scold or talk loud to our parents izzit??or she is toooo stupid already until she couldn't understand what the teacher had taught her during the primary and secondary school?!
she just thought that she is the biggest person in the world,or so called VIP
CANNOT be scolded by others even the one who is scolding her is older than her
and only she can scold people even if the person scolded by her is older than her
there are just other people's wrong and fault,but she never wrong in everything (but actually she is wrong!)
she will remember one person's wrong forever but will never ever remember one person's good deed even for 1 days!
she will remember how her dad scolded her long time ago,even if the incidents happened 10000000000 years ago!she will never ever forget those incidents!
She never thought of how her dad will feel when his own daughter scolds her like that!
She never feel ashame for what had her done!even if her mom asked her to stop behaving like that to her dad,she will just argue with her mom that she actually is not scolding her dad,but just 'SAID' her dad only =.=
She never thought that if next time her son or daughter will behave like that also and scold her everytime everyday since after they are born,even if they are still in infant life!wtf
why ar the other sisters and brother of her won't behave like how she behave?!
she said to her mom 'Nah,see la,this is how u taught me,until I also act like this now,so all of these thing(those scolding stuff and those unfilial stuff) I am actually learnt from you only'
I really don't understand,how come in the whole family,among the 4 siblings,she is the only one who is able to learn 'all this things' from her mom,but the other three siblings are sooo good,won't talk loud to their parents pun!
and I don't know how her so called boyfriend can stand on her behavior for such a long time?!
when there are some tiny mini prob occured between her bf and she,her face will turn into black(even darker than the bao qin tin) just within 1second,and she will be starting to yell at her bf and scold him!OMG!!!!and I never thought that there is still a guy can tahan her super ugly and bad behavior!even after 3years they pak toh!wtf
how can her mother-in-law stand her bad behavior?!
I really scare that there will be a case where the mother-in-law is gek sei by her!
When a dad scolds her daughter,no one will say anything,because this is something which is normal
BUT when a daughter scolds her dad,and not for the first time,but many times already,this is what I meant by UNFILLIAL!!!!!!I don't care what is the situation,who is wrong or who is correct,if a daughter scolds her dad,i will just say that the daughter 没家教!
The reason she gave us when she scolded her dad was that she learnt it from her mom
she said why her mom can scold her dad while she can't?!
KNS la her!MCB!!!CCB!!!she never been to school before izzit??she never been taught that we can't scold or talk loud to our parents izzit??or she is toooo stupid already until she couldn't understand what the teacher had taught her during the primary and secondary school?!
she just thought that she is the biggest person in the world,or so called VIP
CANNOT be scolded by others even the one who is scolding her is older than her
and only she can scold people even if the person scolded by her is older than her
there are just other people's wrong and fault,but she never wrong in everything (but actually she is wrong!)
she will remember one person's wrong forever but will never ever remember one person's good deed even for 1 days!
she will remember how her dad scolded her long time ago,even if the incidents happened 10000000000 years ago!she will never ever forget those incidents!
She never thought of how her dad will feel when his own daughter scolds her like that!
She never feel ashame for what had her done!even if her mom asked her to stop behaving like that to her dad,she will just argue with her mom that she actually is not scolding her dad,but just 'SAID' her dad only =.=
She never thought that if next time her son or daughter will behave like that also and scold her everytime everyday since after they are born,even if they are still in infant life!wtf
why ar the other sisters and brother of her won't behave like how she behave?!
she said to her mom 'Nah,see la,this is how u taught me,until I also act like this now,so all of these thing(those scolding stuff and those unfilial stuff) I am actually learnt from you only'
I really don't understand,how come in the whole family,among the 4 siblings,she is the only one who is able to learn 'all this things' from her mom,but the other three siblings are sooo good,won't talk loud to their parents pun!
and I don't know how her so called boyfriend can stand on her behavior for such a long time?!
when there are some tiny mini prob occured between her bf and she,her face will turn into black(even darker than the bao qin tin) just within 1second,and she will be starting to yell at her bf and scold him!OMG!!!!and I never thought that there is still a guy can tahan her super ugly and bad behavior!even after 3years they pak toh!wtf
how can her mother-in-law stand her bad behavior?!
I really scare that there will be a case where the mother-in-law is gek sei by her!
Friday, January 15, 2010
I am rich!again!haha
Just now,my friend asked me to go to check my bank account balance,to check whether he had banked in the money successfully into my account anot,so I went to check...
Without any intentional thought,I just simply put the Bank Islam ATM card into the macchine to check the balance
and sooo surprisingly that I found out JPA had banked in the $$$ into my account too!!!!!
I was like siao at there,smiling toward the ATM macchine =.=
Without any intentional thought,I just simply put the Bank Islam ATM card into the macchine to check the balance
and sooo surprisingly that I found out JPA had banked in the $$$ into my account too!!!!!
I was like siao at there,smiling toward the ATM macchine =.=
Blame It on the Pop
Finally I thought of something which I wana share with you guys!
squeezing soooo hard of my mind and something out finally!phew~~
The most ROCKxxxx remix!I like it soooo much!
haha,lazy to download the video la,u all click the link and listen to it in youtube la ^^
enjoy your day!
squeezing soooo hard of my mind and something out finally!phew~~
The most ROCKxxxx remix!I like it soooo much!
Blame It on the Pop
haha,lazy to download the video la,u all click the link and listen to it in youtube la ^^
enjoy your day!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
what shoud I do?!
AM I doing the right thing now??
the angel part of me asks me not to do so,cheating is not good
but the devil part of me encourages me to do so!cause I really want to do so....
the angel part of me asks me not to do so,cheating is not good
but the devil part of me encourages me to do so!cause I really want to do so....
arghhhhhhhh!it is soooooo difficult to make a decision....
how ar?!
how ar?!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My mom just took her body check up report just now,and the report said that she is seriously deficient of RBC and heamoglobin...I am sooo worry bout mu mom now,don't know what to do now,all I know is just to advise her to take iron supplement...
After entering medical school for 1 and a half year,what I can do now is just advising her to take iron supplement?!WTF!EVERY ordinary humans also know about that la!
My dad asked me what food contain iron?I couldn't answer my dad clearly,all I know is just meat...but what kind of meat?I don't know...I just feel like I am a loser after studying for such a long time....I couldn't contribute anything at that time....
According to the report,it mentioned my mom have moderate anisocytosis, marked hypochromasia, marked microcytosis,severe poikilocytes.suggest iron studies and thallassemia screen.
Honestly,I really abit blur when I looked through the report.
What is the hell of anisocytosis?!What is hypochromasia?!What is microcytosis and poikilocyte?!
Maybe there is abit knowledge bout them,but I am totally not sure bout it....
so I checked through internet to check for their meaning....T____T
The doctor said my mom is lacking total of FIVE packs of blood in her body right now!
Yup!FIVE packs!
I was totally shocked when I heard it!
but I am not agree with the blood transfusion,there are sooo many complication of it...so now the only solution is consume the irom supplement first and see the progreesion loh...haiz...
hopefully after that,my mom will be at normal level of RBC again
After entering medical school for 1 and a half year,what I can do now is just advising her to take iron supplement?!WTF!EVERY ordinary humans also know about that la!
My dad asked me what food contain iron?I couldn't answer my dad clearly,all I know is just meat...but what kind of meat?I don't know...I just feel like I am a loser after studying for such a long time....I couldn't contribute anything at that time....
According to the report,it mentioned my mom have moderate anisocytosis, marked hypochromasia, marked microcytosis,severe poikilocytes.suggest iron studies and thallassemia screen.
Honestly,I really abit blur when I looked through the report.
What is the hell of anisocytosis?!What is hypochromasia?!What is microcytosis and poikilocyte?!
Maybe there is abit knowledge bout them,but I am totally not sure bout it....
so I checked through internet to check for their meaning....T____T
The doctor said my mom is lacking total of FIVE packs of blood in her body right now!
Yup!FIVE packs!
I was totally shocked when I heard it!
but I am not agree with the blood transfusion,there are sooo many complication of it...so now the only solution is consume the irom supplement first and see the progreesion loh...haiz...
hopefully after that,my mom will be at normal level of RBC again
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
GREEN,everything in GREEN
Let us talk bout the environment now!haha
suddenly I just feel that there is an urge to blog bout this ^^ after seeing soooo many newspaper article on 'PLEASE PROTECT OUR EARTH','GREEN','SAVE THE WORLD',natural disasters here and here,people dying around us......hah!see,issues on environment are getting popular nowadays after the 2012 movie!
So,here are some tips to protect our earth,to extend IT lifespan for the benefit of our grand grand grand children~~~(wah!I never thought I will think something until sooooo far)
These tips are just some simple contribution which we can do in our daily life,although it contribution seem small and useless,but if everyone act together,it will help alot!^^
1)DON'T ever click the button of 'Receipt' whenever u withdraw money from an ATM machine (except when you really need them for prove or what la) ^^ according to the newspaper,if everyone save it,then we can prevent the wastage of paper which equal to the total length of paper which can surround the earth 15times annually!
2)DON'T use toilet paper,use water instead of that after you finish doing your big business.Use towel instead of face tissue.This can save alot of tree
3)STOP using plastic bag!use those degradable bag or 环保袋... (I think is time for me to buy 1 also leh)
4)Replace the usage of the electrical toothbrush with the old type manual toothbrush ^^ it can prevent the release of 48g CO2 into the air
5) Watch TV but 30minutes less than usual everyday ^^
these are the few simple steps (actually there were still many out there,but lazy to mention here la,go find urself la) which we can do in our daily life
and lastly,the MOST IMPORTANT is
please wear GREEN shirt all the time ^^ to show that YOU are actually GREEN!*lame*
suddenly I just feel that there is an urge to blog bout this ^^ after seeing soooo many newspaper article on 'PLEASE PROTECT OUR EARTH','GREEN','SAVE THE WORLD',natural disasters here and here,people dying around us......hah!see,issues on environment are getting popular nowadays after the 2012 movie!
So,here are some tips to protect our earth,to extend IT lifespan for the benefit of our grand grand grand children~~~(wah!I never thought I will think something until sooooo far)
These tips are just some simple contribution which we can do in our daily life,although it contribution seem small and useless,but if everyone act together,it will help alot!^^
1)DON'T ever click the button of 'Receipt' whenever u withdraw money from an ATM machine (except when you really need them for prove or what la) ^^ according to the newspaper,if everyone save it,then we can prevent the wastage of paper which equal to the total length of paper which can surround the earth 15times annually!
2)DON'T use toilet paper,use water instead of that after you finish doing your big business.Use towel instead of face tissue.This can save alot of tree
3)STOP using plastic bag!use those degradable bag or 环保袋... (I think is time for me to buy 1 also leh)
4)Replace the usage of the electrical toothbrush with the old type manual toothbrush ^^ it can prevent the release of 48g CO2 into the air
5) Watch TV but 30minutes less than usual everyday ^^
these are the few simple steps (actually there were still many out there,but lazy to mention here la,go find urself la) which we can do in our daily life
and lastly,the MOST IMPORTANT is
please wear GREEN shirt all the time ^^ to show that YOU are actually GREEN!*lame*
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Xmas cbration @ Singapore~Day 2,3,4,5
okie...Let us continue my story on Singapore trip...
(actually quite lazy to continue blog bout it since it past for almost 1 week already,but since I had started so let I finish it with a nice ending ^^)
since I mentioned earlier,I had became lazy,so I will blog bout the Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5 all together in one shot!^^
it will be a super longggggggggggggggggggggggggggg post,so be prepare la...ahaha
Day 2
It was Christmas Eve and my sis still needed to working on that day...couldn't take leave,damn kesian her T______T so she disappeared before I woke up in the morning...
due to that,my cousin (is he my cousin?!I am actually not so sure bout that...I actually can't differentiate what is cousin and what is nephew)or more specifically my gugu's son,brought us to the Tampines 1 shopping mall to had our lunch and also movie Alvin And The Chipmunk there!haha...ALL FREE OF CHARGE!haha...
for me the movie was just okok only,not a great movie,but ok la,worth to watch during Christmas...somemore it was free!^^
We had our lunch,teppanyaki style!
Before the movie,I managed to bought I clothes at the Tampines 1,cost me $29 after discount,according to my sis,it is considered as CHEAP already for that price ^^ and I like it soooo much!!!from Topman eh!
at night,we went to the Orchard Road to countdown for the Christmas by MRT.
and this is the view inside the MRT...can you noticed the differences between the MRT with the KTM,LRT,and Monorail at Malaysia?!I bet blind also will noticed it!haiz,Malaysia public transportation is really suck!cant even be compared with MRT...It never delay although during peak hour,the train is big and can accomodate many people,wont be squeeze til die if many people and important is it comes every 4 minutes!hah!I bet Malaysia cant never ever acchieve 4minutes per train!
And believe me,there was really many many people at Orchard Road!super duper crowded and we hardly walked at there,just people pushing each others!these are some pictures taken at the Orchard road there...sooo nice!
can you guys see the crowd?!haha it was like crazy there!
Four of us!camwhoring!^^

she wear tooo short skirt already...haha...funny!

My sister said that these Christmas tree was made of Ferrero Rocher Choc!
Do you believe it?!
the decoration of the Tang's studio!it was sooooo golden in colour!NICE!
(actually quite lazy to continue blog bout it since it past for almost 1 week already,but since I had started so let I finish it with a nice ending ^^)
since I mentioned earlier,I had became lazy,so I will blog bout the Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 5 all together in one shot!^^
it will be a super longggggggggggggggggggggggggggg post,so be prepare la...ahaha
Day 2
It was Christmas Eve and my sis still needed to working on that day...couldn't take leave,damn kesian her T______T so she disappeared before I woke up in the morning...
due to that,my cousin (is he my cousin?!I am actually not so sure bout that...I actually can't differentiate what is cousin and what is nephew)or more specifically my gugu's son,brought us to the Tampines 1 shopping mall to had our lunch and also movie Alvin And The Chipmunk there!haha...ALL FREE OF CHARGE!haha...
for me the movie was just okok only,not a great movie,but ok la,worth to watch during Christmas...somemore it was free!^^
We had our lunch,teppanyaki style!
Before the movie,I managed to bought I clothes at the Tampines 1,cost me $29 after discount,according to my sis,it is considered as CHEAP already for that price ^^ and I like it soooo much!!!from Topman eh!
at night,we went to the Orchard Road to countdown for the Christmas by MRT.
and this is the view inside the MRT...can you noticed the differences between the MRT with the KTM,LRT,and Monorail at Malaysia?!I bet blind also will noticed it!haiz,Malaysia public transportation is really suck!cant even be compared with MRT...It never delay although during peak hour,the train is big and can accomodate many people,wont be squeeze til die if many people and important is it comes every 4 minutes!hah!I bet Malaysia cant never ever acchieve 4minutes per train!
And believe me,there was really many many people at Orchard Road!super duper crowded and we hardly walked at there,just people pushing each others!these are some pictures taken at the Orchard road there...sooo nice!
Do you believe it?!
Day 3
It was 25Dec and it was a public holiday!hah!My sis no need to go to work^^
so we went to Sentosa Island on that day!we prayed soooo hard for it to not rain on that whole day!and we were sooo lucky because we managed to play all the outdoor ride before it really rained like shit!soooo lucky!
we went into the GREAT Merlion!
went up to the top by the lift inside the Merlion...Picture taken at the mouth of the Merlion ^^
funny thing happened inside the Merlion!all the white thing will glow in he dark when shine by a specific light!sooo special,even ut white teeth also will glow!
after that we went to ride the Luke Ride!
it was something like the Go Kart racing at Genting...it was fun!
this was the Sky Ride
and this was my sis expression during the sky ride!haha...stupid!
she didnt open her eye even for 1 second!
at the Bird farm...feeding bird with nectar...
the experience was great,but it was really geli at the first minutes the bird stepped on my hand and walked along my arm till my shoulder!
the Underwater World of Sentosa Island
More or less same as the one in KLCC...
we walked from the City Hall MRT station,to the Marina Square through the City Link tunner,then from there walked to Suntec Mall,from Suntec Mall walked back to Marina Square(because we lost already),then only from Marine Square walked to the Singapore Flyer!
It was 25Dec and it was a public holiday!hah!My sis no need to go to work^^
so we went to Sentosa Island on that day!we prayed soooo hard for it to not rain on that whole day!and we were sooo lucky because we managed to play all the outdoor ride before it really rained like shit!soooo lucky!
it was something like the Go Kart racing at Genting...it was fun!
she didnt open her eye even for 1 second!
the experience was great,but it was really geli at the first minutes the bird stepped on my hand and walked along my arm till my shoulder!
More or less same as the one in KLCC...
we also went to watched the sea lion show...the 2 sea lions which performing that day was sooo cute,they can wave their hand and say 'hi' to us,can crap their hand....soooo cute!
Before leaving Sentosa,we went to watch the stunning Song of the Sea!It just cost $10 per pax and it was definitely worth to be watched!!!!

Day 4
this was the most tiring day during the whole trip!
we walked from the north to the sorth,from east to west,all over the Singapore @.@
Before leaving Sentosa,we went to watch the stunning Song of the Sea!It just cost $10 per pax and it was definitely worth to be watched!!!!
Day 4
this was the most tiring day during the whole trip!
we walked from the north to the sorth,from east to west,all over the Singapore @.@
YUP!Singapore Flyer!got promotion that time,buy 2 get 2 free,but provider with 4 passport la to show you are the tourists ^^

posing inside the flyer!^^nice pose huh!
From there,we walked back to the Marina Square to have our dinner at Yuki Yaki,a Japanese style Buffet!It was nice!you all should try it if you got a chance,just cost around $27 per pax including the tax ^^
Special about Yuki Yaki,it got steamboat,got teppanyaki,and even got cold plate at there for us to make our own ice cream leh!soooo fun!
this is the hot plate for teppanyaki
while this is the cold plate for ice cream making ^^
*tada* the result!
even TaiChi style also ada!=.=
After finishing the dinner,we walked back to the City link tunnel to the Esplanade
we were sooo full that time,and we needed to walk soooo long way to the Esplanade,plus we were in rush because we wanted to rush to the Jewel Box for the Diamond Christmas tree...

from the Esplanade,we walk back to the City Hall's MRT station...Took the MRT to the HarbourFront Tower MRT station,then went to the Jewel Box on top of the hill by bus for the Diamond Christmas tree!
sooo unexpected for the artificial snow which fall at there!sooo fun!!!all people at there were like crazily happy playing with those artificial snow...haha...

Special about Yuki Yaki,it got steamboat,got teppanyaki,and even got cold plate at there for us to make our own ice cream leh!soooo fun!
After finishing the dinner,we walked back to the City link tunnel to the Esplanade
we were sooo full that time,and we needed to walk soooo long way to the Esplanade,plus we were in rush because we wanted to rush to the Jewel Box for the Diamond Christmas tree...
from the Esplanade,we walk back to the City Hall's MRT station...Took the MRT to the HarbourFront Tower MRT station,then went to the Jewel Box on top of the hill by bus for the Diamond Christmas tree!
Day 5
Yoyo~~it was my shopping day!oooh god!Singapre is a shopping haeven!!!!shopping is like a daily activity at there for singaporean!soooooo many shopping mall!those clothes are sooo nice!!!
but before that,we went to the 唐人街...
WOoooHHooooo!!!!Finallt finished already!haha....before ending the post,I would like to share with you all a picture ^^
Yoyo~~it was my shopping day!oooh god!Singapre is a shopping haeven!!!!shopping is like a daily activity at there for singaporean!soooooo many shopping mall!those clothes are sooo nice!!!
but before that,we went to the 唐人街...
WOoooHHooooo!!!!Finallt finished already!haha....before ending the post,I would like to share with you all a picture ^^
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